Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cry me a river

 Newest addition to my OC crew, Axis. I don't know about the story, or setting or anything, but maybe some sort of steam punkish thingies. Dunno. We'll see~

And this is Axis' friend, Mr Ashley. He doesn't have first name yet, but soon he will. He is awesome and cool <3

 And yes. They are romantically involved at some point of the story U3U
 And then I listened some Lady Gaga. More specifically, "Bad Romance" and "Monster", which probably are two of my favourite songs from her.
 Me and my roommate have sort of an tradition to watch Nightmare Before Christmas just before christmas, and we realised that neither of us have ever drawn any fanart of the movie, even though we absolutely love it. So, while watching it, I decided to draw some fanart.
 Dragonss~ I've been "dragon high" for a while now. So, there will be more, I think.
 More Gaga inspired things.
 I got Blacksad 4 for a christmas present, and because it is simply awesome comic, I wanted to draw fanart off it too! But because I really can't draw furries (atleast, not very good ones), I decided to try to draw them as humans. I'm not entirely satisfied on Blacksad, but I quite like Weekly.
And there's two random people on top of the page.
 More people from Blacksad~

 Sorry about the Finnish, but I just had to show these. Me and my siblings are sooo smart at times U3U
 Tried to draw some different ethnicities. African american, asian and indian. Maybe?
 And as I said, I've been high on dragons lately. I just finished reading Naomi Novik's His Majesty's Dragon, which was indeed a good book. I must read all of them, yesyes. This is not fanart of it, it's just random dude with his random dragon. And I actually wanted the dragon to be whole lot of bigger, but it seems that I just couldn't draw it big enough.

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